Signing up for a CSA membership with a local farm is a big commitment. We understand this and appreciate your apprehension and desire to know more. Allow us to introduce ourselves, our farm and why you should join our "farm"ily!
The Moon River Ranch Family: Meet Your Farmers
Derek - The Muscle

Derek does most of the heavy lifting and manual labor that it takes to keep our family farm running. Derek spends a great deal of time constructing garden buildings, using the walking tractor, and general heavy lifting. He keeps us up to date by researching the latest and greatest in garden equipment and horticulture strategies.
Derek also runs our farm stands! Be sure to stop by at one of our weekly CSA locations to meet Derek, say hello and ask him any question you may have regarding our farm, our fruits and vegetables or our CSA Shares.
Kelly - Farm Marketer

Kelly is Derek's wife. Her time in the garden is occasionally cut short by caring for their 2 year old daughter, Baby Bev. She works with Derek developing social media content, crop planning and overall garden, greenhouse, and nursery maintenance. You may also see her and Baby Bev at the farm stands when the weather permits!
Baby Bev - Ranch Foreman

Bev spends most of her time in the garden looking cute, and vying for attention in more ways than one. Now almost 3 years old, Bev REALLY runs the show! Baby Bev is the next generation of Moon River Ranch. We love to see her delight in the wonders of the farm and hope she will continue our legacy of providing naturally grown farm fresh veggies, fruit and other wholesome farm products to YOU, our neighbors, friends and family.
The Farm
We are extremely fortunate to call Philipsburg, Montana home. Thanks to the support of our amazing community, we made the move to Pburg from the farm's original location between Clinton and Drummond, where we started on Derek's grandparent's ranch. This move brought a whole slough of challenges that we slowly worked through in 2023. We are excited to begin Moon River Ranch CSA's newest chapter, in Philipsburg!
While our original location was ideal for growing vegetables in the ground, we are now much higher in elevation, and in a mining town. This brings soil issues, as well as climate challenges that need to be addressed. We decided to transition from no-till market gardening to mainly hydroponic growing, where we can control the nutrition and environment for our vegetable production. This will also allow us to grow early in the spring and late into the fall! We are both new to this style of growing, so please bear with us this year as we figure it out!
Our farm offers CSA subscription boxes, weekly farm stands in local communities, an on-farm shop where people can drop by and purchase produce, and wholesale options for our amazing local restaurants.
From the beginning, we have been focused on providing amazing, nutritious local produce to our neighbors in Granite County. We really want this to be available to anyone, so we offer SNAP/EBT, with Double SNAP dollars, WIC, and Senior Farmer Market Nutrition Program support, all to help people eat great food!